SCOPE New York 2015, 5-8 March

TAYLOR BALDWIN, The Plague Year (14), 2010 Mixed media sculpture, 67 x 48 x 48 in. Courtesy of RARE Gallery
TAYLOR BALDWIN, The Plague Year (14), 2010
Mixed media sculpture, 67 x 48 x 48 in.
Courtesy of RARE Gallery


15th anniversary edition of SCOPE New York in its new location: one block across from The Armory Show piers at Metropolitan Pavilion West. Opening with our First View on Friday, March 6th at 2:00pm, SCOPE New York’s convenient and well-appointed venue will host 60 international galleries alongside curated featured programming.


11.12 | Moscow, Andenken | Amsterdam, Art Projects Gallery | Hong Kong, AUREUS Contemporary | Providence, Azart Gallery | New York, Barbarian | Zürich, Bart Gallery | Cologe, C.A.V.E. | Venice beach, Chandran Gallery | San Francisco, Contempo Project | Tel Aviv, Corridor Contemporary | Tel Aviv, Damien A. Roman Fine Art | East Hampton, Dean Borghi Fine Art | New York, e3 {a small gallery} | Oostend, Emmanuel Fremin | New York, EMON Photo Gallery | Tokyo, Galerie C.O.A. | Montreal, Galerie Juliane Hundertmark | Berlin, Galerie LeRoyer | Montreal, Galerie Mark Hachem | New York | Paris, Galleri Ramfjord | Oslo, Gallery Bastejs | Riga, Gallery G-77 | Kyoto, Gallery Incurve Kyoto | Kyoto, Gallery on Wade | Toronto, Golden Thread Gallery | Belfast, Hamburg Kennedy | New York, Inner State Gallery | Detroit, Instinct Art Gallery | Minneapolis, JanKossen | New York, Joseph Gross Gallery | New York, Kallenbach Gallery | Amsterdam, Krause Gallery | New York, Labartino Gallery | Miami, Lawrence Cantor Fine Art | Los Angeles, Licht Feld | Basel, Life as a Work of Art | New York | Paris, Madelyn Jordon Fine Art Gallery | Scarsdale, Masters Projects | Brooklyn, Mini Galerie | Amsterdam, Nellie Castan Project | Melbourne, Parlor Gallery | Asbury Park, RARE Gallery | New York, Rebecca Hossack Gallery | London, Ronen Art Gallery | Amsterdam, Rush Arts Gallery | New York, SCAI | Seoul, SIA NY | New York, SOZE Gallery | West Hollywood, Station16 Gallery | Montreal, Stephen Romano Gallery | Brooklyn, Thinkspace | Culver City, Untitled Projects | Los Angeles