Solidarity exhibition Red Cross-Miró

An artistic and solidarity project
Mayoral presents “Miró & The Red Cross” a charity project with an international dimension, in which will be shown Joan Miró’s graphic works donated by Joan Punyet Miró, Miró’s grandson, with the aim of raising funds for the Red Cross of Catalonia that will go to Syrian refugees that will arrive to Catalonia.

This artistic and solidariy project includes the leading piece “Gràcies/Gracias” (Thanks), an original drawing that the artist created in 1974 and offered in gratitude to the Red Cross of Catalonia. At the same time, the project will present a selection of twenty eight graphic posthumous works, sealed and certified by Emili Fernández Miró.

This project will be performed in different art spaces in Barcelona: at Mayoral Galeria d’Art (Consell de Cent, 286) and also at the Hotel Majestic (Passeig de Gràcia, 68) from the 22nd of December until the 30th of January. Miró, always stayed and visited this hotel to admire the work of one of his greatest teachers and one of his most inspirational artists, Modest Urgell. Therefore, the selection of pieces from this solidarity project will be exposed in the hotel dialoguing with this iconic painting by Modest Urgell.

On November 25th we presented this charity project in Verdú and also in the “Fira d’Artistes” (Fair Artists) in Tarrega. This opening was attended by members of the Red Cross in Catalonia, the member and curator of the “Fons d’Art de la Creu Roja” (Art Collection of the Red Cross) Francesc Mestre and the Vice Chairman Rosa Maria Marco- “I have great satisfaction to present as vice president of the Catalan Red Cross this exhibition of graphic works by Joan Miró. These 28 pieces donated by Joan Miró Punyet will go in favor of the Red Cross for charitable projects, as the attention and acceptance of the refugee population that is occurring in Eastern Europe. “-

Finally, in London the next 13th of April 2016 these twenty eight graphic Works will be auctioned through Christie’s, with the aim of raising funds for solidary causes. The estimated value of this fundraising is calculated around 50.000 €.

“We keep on Miró’s bias with the solidary commitment with the Red Cross. We are thrilled raising funds in this project and we greatly appreciated the cooperation of Joan Punyet Miró, the Catalonia Red Cross, Christie’s, the city of Tàrrega and Hotel Majestic”. affirms Cristina Mayoral, the director of Mayoral Espai d’Art Verdú.

The story between Miró and The Red Cross
On September 1968, Joan Miró signed a drawing, a preliminary sketch in which he indicated the different parts that made up the Tapestry of Tarragona, a large scale tapestry Project that was the start of a road shared between Joan Miró and the artisan Josep Royo that impelled them to research new spaces for creating their work together.
This drawing was a gesture that revealed the gratitude of the maestro towards a young Doctor, Rafael Orozco, from the Red Cross Hospital of Tarragona, who attended the artist’s only daughter after a serious train accident.

Moreover, Miró donated the original work to the Red Cros in Catalonia “Gràcies / Gràcies” (Thanks), another gratitude gesture in 1970. Since then the collection has grown to include many of Spain’s foremost contemporary artists becoming the unique Red Cross institution in the world with an art collection.

PR: Mayoral Galeria d’Art